Stay updated on the social, political life of Las Vegas, Nevada and other important events in the country
Sunset Park
Nevada is one of the swing states, so this Saturday President Trump stopped at Sunset Park, just a couple of minutes from The Strip to share his views on current affairs and the future of the country.
Thousands of loyal followers were in hand to show support for his political campaign and for his fight against the politically motivated legal actions taken against him.
Temperatures were around 100F and eventually got higher by the time President Trump addressed the enthusiastic multitude, a sea of red, white and blue.
Nevada is considered a 50/50 state, while Las Vegas has been leaning Democrat for some years now, it must have been encouraging for President Trump and the GOP to see the amount of public and the reception received this Saturday.
With Presidential Elections just a few months ahead, we’ll probably see president Trump visiting again in the near future.
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Sunset Park